Friday 1 May 2015

Giant snake caught in central park

Giant snake caught in newyork's central park 


giant snake caught in central park newyork
GIANT SNAKE CAUGHT in newyork central park

A giant snake was caught in central park New York on Saturday and likely to be the largest snake alive, venomous snake expert  Terry Phillips says this is  their second snake of the same species ever caught the first one was caught on 12 September 2009 about 6 years ago in Brazil Amazon forest but it was smaller, he goes on to say,

 it’s a rear species and one would wonder how it got to central park because there is not even a single trail left that you would trace to know where it was and he says the story is not how big the snake is, the story is how did the giant snake get to newyorks, popular central park without anyone or any cameras seeing it.

Trying to solve this mystery we went down to ask people around see what they had to say and boy or boy people have their own way of thinking.

giant snake caught in central park newyork
giant snake caught in central park newyork 2009 news story

Lauren Christina
“this is not the first time it has happen, come here around mid night and you can be assured you will see a snake track and some people looking around, I think they’re a lot of these giant snakes around but they don’t want to scare people so they hide if not why do we see snake tracks almost every night”

Godfree Mohan
“it’s the government and their politics trying to get attention and drive us away from the real stories, every time they want to pass something bill of some sort they create some kind of destruction and this is one of them, am sure they brought those snakes here themselves, they were two snakes this morning and now their only two, that’s how they play it they create a story like this and counteract it with something so some people are saying two giant snakes others are saying one snake, so if you were not around to witness it yourself then you start doubting the story and then we all start talking about what the truth is what its not, while they do their dirty stuff when we are looking away”

Giant snake caught in central park 2009 story
Mustafa Alonso
“the first snake was smaller than this, I think they wanted to hide this too but because it was bigger and stronger they could not do it in time before the news people could come and see”

Jenifer Whitney

giant snake caught in central park newyork
eye witness, giant snake caught in newyork

“ I think these are government experiments of some sort, their no trails, no northing, am sure their tunnels that we can’t see in central park and whenever government people want to create some sort of chaos they open up one and release something because this is not the first time this has happened I was here in 2009 nine when they caught a snake of the same color, though this is more bigger and in the exact same sport so yes it must be the government who brought it here

And what do you think about this, just live it in the comments section 

Making money online, make money from home

Making money online, make money from home
Making money online, make money from home

The subject of making money from home is hot now days and if you checked for the most searched keywords in Google you will find it in the top 20s, so how exactly do you make money from home, or make money online, on the internet or whatever you choose to call it?

i have been researching on the subject and perticipated in alot of good and bad programs so somehow i believe an expert title in this niche, in this article i will talk about my 2years experience in the make money from home niche, pros and cons, misconception and more.

first off how do you make money online and is it even possible?
possible deffinently yes, though you should be careful their alot of people promising alot of unrealistic rewards though their have been quite a big number of people who have cashed in a big cheque, its not as easy as most people will tell you but its possible too.

The most interesting thing about making money online is that the most people who are cashing in loads of money are the people teaching how to make money online, cliche? i know.

the other way to cash in are among these below:

1. fiverr

genueine, straight foward and a quick pay, the concept is, you post a job you are willing to do for 5$ and someone places an order, after delivering your service, you recieve 4$ 1$ copped as fiverr commision, these services are called gigs and you can earn more than 5 dollars by adding gig extras, say in your gig you will and the gig tittle always starts with the statement "i will" so "i will take a picture of me holding your sign", things crazy as that and when you deliver the photo, the customer will confirm your delivery and after two weeks of money clearance your payment will be available via paypal, so about gig extra's, in the above example you could add an extra gig as "i will hold your sign with my girlfriend for 10extra dollars" you can add upto 7extra gigs depending on the level you are, signups are for free, no memmbership fees, gigs range from sign pictures, story writing, graphics design, web design and more. check out


You have been on youtube seen thousands of tutorials possibly made ones your self, how about earning from your tutorials, Udemy is a platform where you upload a course inother words a bunch of lessons or tutorials on anything and students signup for a fee you set, you get 97% of commission for every student you bring in, you get 50% if udemy gets the student, you will find courses from 1$ to 500$.



if you have never hard of adsense its likely that this is your first time to search for the words making money online, other wise Adsense is the most popular in this niche, its googles advertising program, where as a website owner you allow google to place ads on your website and every time someone clicks on these ads you get paid.



same as adsense just not as popular or paying but its an alternative mostly for those bunned from google adsense and yes they will ban you if you trying clicking the ads your self.

5. envato market

not as popular as the ones above but great, you design something say a business card template, wordpress theme and sell it online for some cash.

6. Opinion outpost;

as the name opinion, you basically make money by casting your opinion on anything

more will be added to the list so check those out and let me know what else you may want to know about making money online.
Making money online, make money from home
Making money online, make money from home

Top 10 most viewed youtube channels

Top 10 most viewed youtube channels and most with the most subscribers

 Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world second only to google its owner, so having the most viewed videos or there is clearly a big thing, and now that youtube viewership is bigger than cable networks it gets even bigger and that’s before adding revenue shares from getting all that exposure.

In this list you will get to know the most viewed and most subscribed youtube channel in the world.

 Top 10 most viewed youtube channels

  •  pewdiepie-8,745,451,382views
  •  emimusic-7,296,217,783 views
  • Rihannavevo-6,297,846,166 views
  • disneycollectorbr-6,045,659,611 views
  •  universalmusicgroup-586,000,562 views
  • JustinBeiberVevp -5,572,948,717 views
  •  machinima- 5,336,867,954 views
  •  KatyperryVevo - 5,294,212,298 views
  •  eminemvevo 4,765,018,560
  • spininnrec 4,704,899,030 

top 20 youtube channel with most subscribers 


Country of Origin
Felix Kjellberg
Germán Garmendia
Ian Hecox, Anthony Padilla
Jenna N. Mourey
Ryan Higa
Benny Fine, Rafi Fine
Evan Fong
Adam Dahlberg

Top 10 shortcuts that will definitely get you banned from google adsense program.

Top 10 shortcuts that will definitely get you banned from google adsense program.

I wont go into explaining what adsense is because if you don't know what it is by now you should dint be reading this article but if you care to know you could just take alook at this article that gives are straight and brief explanation about adsense and how to make money on the internet or make money from home.

So going forward here are the top 10 shortcuts that will get you banned from google's adsense program permanently or temporally and by temporally meaning with a 98% never recovering your account, money or clicks.

1. clicking on your ads


Its tempting to click your ads after all who will and how will they know, well google does not have to install cameras or send over someone to your computer to watch what you are doing, their are alot of alogarithm they use to check for invalid clicks and the most used one is just basic estimations, you can simply have 20 vistors a day and have 30 clicks on the ads that simply does not add up, so it doesn't matter if you use a different computer or you change your ip address, if your traffic is low they dont have to be super smart about it.

2.asking someone to click on your ads

In the same context asking someone to click on your ads is likely going to course more trouble than good, yes google adsense wont check your email address or facebook messages to see if you have been a abad boy, it will simply be ovious, if the same ip address is used to click on your ads several times on your website a red flag will be lifted and they will start looking for dirt on you, they can even look at the source of your traffic how far is your ip address from that of your regular clicks. busted.

3. using robots


Robots are simply programs or software designs to automaticallly open and click on ads or view your page so that it looks like you have alot of visitors and that your clicks match your visitors propotionally, it used to work but remember google has been around like for ever in the internet world and they have the best programmers out their they can differenciate between robots and humans.

3.buying traffic


buying traffic is a great way to boost your traffic but can sometimes harm your business or website because you don't have control over what traffic you are buying you can never be sure if its robots or real people so getting to traffic to your website through bought traffic can also lead to your ban from google adsense.

4. buying clicks

their are alot of 5$ fiverr gigs where people promise to click your ads for a specific time, because most of them can be a great distance from you and hopefully don't use robots to increase traffic to your website, this may work, but if the person you hire does not know what they are doing or simply intend to make money off you, they may over do it and you get busted.

5. Creating a new adsense account for a banned website

if you get banned from adsense forget about the all accounts that you where using with that adsense account, this includes the website you submitted, because Google adsense policy is that you can not open a new account if you have been banned and can only own one account for ever, they will ban you immediately they realize you have been banned from adsense and trying to create a new account, and registering a banned website is a red frag, using the same email is also the same thing, it doesn't matter how long it has been after you registered, if you reenter a website that was banned from adsense they have it in their data base and if your account has been working well may be you had a hosted account linked to that account it can also be banned.

6. copyright infringement

if someone makes a complain about you for copyright infringement you are likely going to get banned

7. changing the code

you may be tempted to change ad sense code so that you ads blend in with you website, Google may look at this as a cheat.


8. displaying turns of ads on one page 

if more clicks equals more money why not just make a page with turns of ads, total no no, you will get banned.

9. using a code from a previously banned website

this is like calling out for a ban, if you have been previously banned from Google all your codes have an id that a linked to that account and if you successfully open a new account trying to reuse those codes will only show that you are the same person they banned from their program get it.

10. telling people how much you make;

we all want to show how good we are at something, well Google does not want us to do just that with their program because they are trying to protect their customers so bragging with a YouTube video not very good idea

11.Having multiple accounts of adsense

its against policy but again who cares, just be more careful, because Google tracks your ip address and websites you visit its easy for them to know, you doubt, search any topic on Google or in your Facebook or visit websites a bout a specific website say holiday packages and you will start to see the kind of ads that will be displayed around the internet in the coming days, not only on your website but every other website you visit and has Google ads weather its a game site or Facebook though those will be Facebook ads. more on that topic check out the article you are being watched.

are their shortcuts i have left out, leave them in the comments section also don't forget to share

how to increase traffic to your website gif banners

how to increase traffic to your website  gif banners 

Building a website or business is  quite easy when you compare it to promoting a business or website, even when you are to use paid means, this is partly because their is a lot of competition with people who know what they are doing and with lots of time and a lot of money that you may not have or not afford to invest in your online business, in this article am going to show you how to promote your website easily and at no cost with static and animated banners.

Their a several ways to promote your website and banners is one of those prominent ways. just look around the internet you will see, google adsense ad banners, infolinks ad banners, bing or yahoo ad banners, facebook banners for their facebook ads and more from other advertising platforms like bfly. So learning how to promote your website on your own with your own banners will not only give you full control to how you advertise but it also comes as a free way to promote your website.

So assuming you have already created your static or animated banner,
if you don't know how to create animated banners check out this course How to make animated banners for your product or web site 5dollar udemy course  

Ways to promote your website with free banners.

1. Share your banners with other bloggers.

because the internet is a broad market with millions of visitors every day, you should not fear asking fellow bloggers or other websites in the same niche you are to share your banner on their website while you share there banner on your website, this will help you both share traffic and social proof as this will make each others website look influential in the niche as it has been recommended by someone else.

2. Share your banners on social media.

the great thing about gif banners is they are cuture peoples eyes fast because if someone opens a website the first thing they will always notice is soming moving and since gif banners play automatically with out requiring user interation, they will capture the visitors attention fast.

3. Create funny and viral gifs and add your website at the end of the gif.

you can create funny gif animations or extract funny parts of your favourate cartoon or viral video and convert them into a gif banner then at the end of the gif add your website or product or message.
if you don't know how to covert video into gif take this course " How to make animated banners for your product or web site 5dollar udemy course  "for just 5dollars their is a lecture about converting video into gif. or hire this guy to do it for you just for five dollars on fiver.
I will design banner ads for your website or product for $5

4. Add your banners to your website or blog

like you see on other sites adsense ads being place at the top, side bar and other areas add your banners to your site to make your website look more professional, you can make these adds link to your products or other pages within your website.

5. Create blogs and different websites to link to your main website.

you can create multiple blogs or websites about other niches and show your adds their promoting your main or your other website, this will not only make your website look big but its another way to build links.

6. send out promotional emails for your website.

gifs are lite and can contain alot of information, so as you are drafting you next email newsletter add some space for your banner ads and as i said  they do not need user interaction to play so emails you send to visitors who dont like reading will easily get your information from the gif.

7. use them in forums to promote your website.

instead of using a picture to potray your message in forums just switch it with an animated gif, their by displaying more information at the same loading spead.

8. Use them in squeeze pages or popups.

because popups are likely to be closed by users anytime they open, an intresting gif that contains your message is less likely to be closed that first.

just another tip and what to do with the power of gifs or animated banners remeber, they are supported by all standard browsers from internet explorer to what ever you are likely never use, they load first, auto play and loop. let me know what you think in the comments below