Friday 1 May 2015

how to increase traffic to your website gif banners

how to increase traffic to your website  gif banners 

Building a website or business is  quite easy when you compare it to promoting a business or website, even when you are to use paid means, this is partly because their is a lot of competition with people who know what they are doing and with lots of time and a lot of money that you may not have or not afford to invest in your online business, in this article am going to show you how to promote your website easily and at no cost with static and animated banners.

Their a several ways to promote your website and banners is one of those prominent ways. just look around the internet you will see, google adsense ad banners, infolinks ad banners, bing or yahoo ad banners, facebook banners for their facebook ads and more from other advertising platforms like bfly. So learning how to promote your website on your own with your own banners will not only give you full control to how you advertise but it also comes as a free way to promote your website.

So assuming you have already created your static or animated banner,
if you don't know how to create animated banners check out this course How to make animated banners for your product or web site 5dollar udemy course  

Ways to promote your website with free banners.

1. Share your banners with other bloggers.

because the internet is a broad market with millions of visitors every day, you should not fear asking fellow bloggers or other websites in the same niche you are to share your banner on their website while you share there banner on your website, this will help you both share traffic and social proof as this will make each others website look influential in the niche as it has been recommended by someone else.

2. Share your banners on social media.

the great thing about gif banners is they are cuture peoples eyes fast because if someone opens a website the first thing they will always notice is soming moving and since gif banners play automatically with out requiring user interation, they will capture the visitors attention fast.

3. Create funny and viral gifs and add your website at the end of the gif.

you can create funny gif animations or extract funny parts of your favourate cartoon or viral video and convert them into a gif banner then at the end of the gif add your website or product or message.
if you don't know how to covert video into gif take this course " How to make animated banners for your product or web site 5dollar udemy course  "for just 5dollars their is a lecture about converting video into gif. or hire this guy to do it for you just for five dollars on fiver.
I will design banner ads for your website or product for $5

4. Add your banners to your website or blog

like you see on other sites adsense ads being place at the top, side bar and other areas add your banners to your site to make your website look more professional, you can make these adds link to your products or other pages within your website.

5. Create blogs and different websites to link to your main website.

you can create multiple blogs or websites about other niches and show your adds their promoting your main or your other website, this will not only make your website look big but its another way to build links.

6. send out promotional emails for your website.

gifs are lite and can contain alot of information, so as you are drafting you next email newsletter add some space for your banner ads and as i said  they do not need user interaction to play so emails you send to visitors who dont like reading will easily get your information from the gif.

7. use them in forums to promote your website.

instead of using a picture to potray your message in forums just switch it with an animated gif, their by displaying more information at the same loading spead.

8. Use them in squeeze pages or popups.

because popups are likely to be closed by users anytime they open, an intresting gif that contains your message is less likely to be closed that first.

just another tip and what to do with the power of gifs or animated banners remeber, they are supported by all standard browsers from internet explorer to what ever you are likely never use, they load first, auto play and loop. let me know what you think in the comments below

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